Joining LEIAG is an investment in your career and the profession.
Law Enforcement Inspections and Audits impact every aspect of an agency from patrol to agency administration and management, providing transparency, accountability, cost savings and reducing liability.
Pay With Credit Card:
Individual Member
Includes 1 e-book
$135.00 per year
Group with up to 5 Members
Includes up to 3 e-books and one first edition hard copy
$300.00 per year
Group with 6-10 Members
Includes up to 6 e-books and one first edition hard copy
$600.00 per year
Group with 11+ Members
Includes up to 10 e-books and one first edition hard copy
$1000.00 per year
If you wish to register and pay with an invoice, please register here:
Request to register with an Invoice
Benefits of membership:
Network: Networking opportunities to law enforcement professionals from around the world engaged in law enforcement inspections, audits, and quality assurance and providing opportunities to both acquire and share information.
- Opportunities to meet and network with Law Enforcement Professionals at conferences, meetings, luncheons, and training sessions
- Social network through LEIAG social media site with LEAIG members
Access to the "members-only" area of the website which includes online resources and the comprehensive Membership Directory
Train: Gain and develop skills in law enforcement inspections, audits, and quality assurance.
- Member Discounts on registration for education/training courses and conferences
- Training calendar listing law enforcement inspections and audit-related training and conferences on our website.
- LEIA-101 · Introductions to Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing Course
- LEIA-201 · Law Enforcement Inspections and Audit Certification Designation (LEAIC)
- LEIA-301 · Law Enforcement Auditing for Professional Auditors
- JIA-101 · Introduction to Jail Inspection and Audits Course
- IA-101 · Introduction to Internal Affairs Investigations
- IA-201 · Professional Standards Investigations Certificate™ (PSIC™)
- Excel-101 · Basic Excel Skills for Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing
- Excel-201 · Intermediate Excel Skills for Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing
- Other training opportunities or specialized training as requested
- On-site training available to reduce travel expenses
- Hosting opportunities for training to reduce hosting agency training expenses
- Annual and regional training/conference opportunities offering specialized training
- Training that is;
- Affordable
- High quality
- Relevant
Equip: As a member, through the “members only” section of the LEAIG website, members will have exclusive access to the following resources.
- LEIAG Newsletter
- Forum for LEAIG members
- Training Opportunities
- Library of LE related audits, assessments, reports, inspections, and documents
- Annual Updates to the Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing Manual e-book
Members who network, train, and equip through LEIAG will be better prepared to succeed professionally and help their organization succeed.
Membership eligibility / criteria:
Membership in LEIAG is open to public-sector personnel involved in law-enforcement-related inspections, audits, oversight, or quality assurance.
Keep Member Information Up to Date!
It is important to keep your work information current for several reasons including:
- Ensure that you / your staff can register for trainings and log in to the LEIAG website
- Help other LEIAG members share information with your staff
- Make sure that the LEIAG directory reflects current titles and contacts
- Please update your information through the Member Portal to keep LEIAG and your peers informed.