The mission of the Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing Group (LEIAG) is to:
- Network
- Train
- Equip
- Succeed
Membership is for public sector personnel engaged in law enforcement inspections, audits, oversight and quality assurance.
LEIAG is dedicated to helping members add value to their organizations as well as enhance their professional development. Whether you are looking to broaden your knowledge base, advance to the next level, or train your newest staff members, LEIAG provides services to fit each need.
Network: Networking opportunities to law enforcement professionals from around the world engaged in law enforcement inspections, audits, and quality assurance and providing opportunities to both acquire and share information.
- Opportunities to meet and network with Law Enforcement Professionals at conferences, meetings, luncheons and training sessions
- Social network through LEIAG social media site with LEAIG members
Access to the "members-only" area of the website which includes online resources and the comprehensive Membership Directory
Train: Gain and develop skills in law enforcement inspections, audits and quality assurance.
- Member Discounts on registration for education / training courses and conferences
- Training calendar listing law enforcement inspections and audit related training and conferences on our website.
- LEIA-101 · Introductions to Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing Course
- LEIA-201 · Law Enforcement Inspections and Audit Certification Designation (LEAIC)
- LEIA-301 · Law Enforcement Auditing for Professional Auditors
- JIA-101 · Introduction to Jail Inspection and Audits Course
- IA-101 · Introduction to Internal Affairs Investigations
- IA-201 · Professional Standards Investigations Certificate™ (PSIC™)
- Excel-101 · Basic Excel Skills for Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing
- Excel-201 · Intermediate Excel Skills for Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing
- Other training opportunities or specialized training as requested
- On-site training available to reduce travel expenses
- Hosting opportunities for training to reduce hosting agency training expenses
- Annual and regional training/conference opportunities offering specialized training
- Training that is;
- Affordable
- High quality
- Relevant
Equip: As a member, through the “members only” section of the LEAIG website, members will have exclusive access to the following resources.
- LEIAG Newsletter
- Forum for LEAIG members
- Training Opportunities
- Library of LE related audits, assessments, reports, inspections, and documents
Members who network, train and equip through LEIAG will be better prepared to succeed professionally, and help their organization succeed.
LEIAG Business Model
LEIAG is a division of LD Consulting. Our group utilizes this business model, as in our experience, voluntary groups / non-profit or associations have a difficult time sustaining an active organization. Most associations begin with great intentions but over time the members, volunteering their own time, run out of energy and time to commit to the organization. The old 20 / 80 rule applies with 20 percent of the volunteers doing the vast majority of the work. This model is difficult to sustain and for this reason many volunteer associations cannot sustain the level of service members desire. Leadership changes in volunteer organizations every few years also makes it difficult to maintain the direction and core values of the organization. For these reasons, we are forming this group as a subsidiary/part of LD Consulting, with a for profit business model. We feel this will allow us to address the aforementioned challenges for a nonprofit business model while providing members with a sustained high level of services and benefits.